Programme Description

Living Well With ADHD
The Living Well With ADHD programme has been designed to support young people and adults (16+) who have been diagnosed with ADHD. It is also suitable for patients on a waiting list for ADHD assessment or who display some of the symptoms of ADHD.
The programme may also be useful to family members or those supporting people with ADHD.
- Learn about different diagnosis journeys and reflect on your personal journey with ADHD.
- Explore the challenges associated with ADHD, as well as the strengths.
- Explore concentration and various attention difficulties.
- Increase your awareness of perfectionism and anxiety. And increase your own sense of self-compassion and understanding.
Living Well with ADHD consists of eight modules. Complete these in your own time and at your own pace over approximately eight weeks.
Each module contains text, images, and interactive and engaging activities.